Mnemonic seeds

You can utilize the Seed class in order to generate or supply a 25 word mnemonic seed. From this mnemonic seed you can derive public and private spend keys, public and private view keys, and public wallet address. Read more about mnemonic seeds here.

The class also reads 12 or 13 word seeds, also known as MyMonero style.


This class deals with highly sensitive strings in both inputs and outputs. The mnemonic seed and it’s hexadecimal representation are essentially full access keys to your Monero funds and should be handled with the utmost care.

Generating a new seed

By default, constructing the Seed class without any parameters will generate a new 25 word mnemonic seed from a 32 byte hexadecimal string using os.urandom(32). Class construction sets the attributes phrase and hex - the 25 word mnemonic seed and it’s hexadecimal representation.

In  [1]: from monero.seed import Seed

In  [2]: s = Seed()

In  [3]: s.phrase
Out [3]: 'fewest lipstick auburn cocoa macro circle hurried impel macro hatchet jeopardy swung aloof spiders gags jaws abducts buying alpine athlete junk patio academy loudly academy'

In  [4]: s.hex
Out [4]: u'73192a945d7400a3a76a941be451a9623f37dd834006d02140a6a762b9142d80'

Supplying your own seed

If you have an existing mnemonic word or hexadecimal seed that you would like to derive keys for, simply pass the seed as a string to the Seed class. Class construction will automatically detect the seed type and encode or decode to set both phrase and hex attributes.

In  [1]: from monero.seed import Seed

In  [2]: s = Seed("73192a945d7400a3a76a941be451a9623f37dd834006d02140a6a762b9142d80")

In  [3]: s.phrase
Out [3]: 'fewest lipstick auburn cocoa macro circle hurried impel macro hatchet jeopardy swung aloof spiders gags jaws abducts buying alpine athlete junk patio academy loudly academy'

In  [4]: s.hex
Out [4]: u'73192a945d7400a3a76a941be451a9623f37dd834006d02140a6a762b9142d80'

In  [5]: p = Seed("fewest lipstick auburn cocoa macro circle hurried impel macro hatchet jeopardy swung aloof spiders gags jaws abducts buying alpine athlete junk patio academy loudly academy")

In  [6]: p.phrase
Out [6]: 'fewest lipstick auburn cocoa macro circle hurried impel macro hatchet jeopardy swung aloof spiders gags jaws abducts buying alpine athlete junk patio academy loudly academy'

In  [7]: p.hex
Out [7]: u'73192a945d7400a3a76a941be451a9623f37dd834006d02140a6a762b9142d80'

Deriving account keys

Once the Seed class is constructed, you can derive all of the keys associated with the account.

In  [1]: from monero.seed import Seed

In  [2]: s = Seed("fewest lipstick auburn cocoa macro circle hurried impel macro hatchet jeopardy swung aloof spiders gags jaws abducts buying alpine athlete junk patio academy loudly academy")

In  [3]: s.secret_spend_key()
Out [3]: '0b7a7bac8a5b6de2f483d703ef82b1bb3e37dd834006d02140a6a762b9142d00'

In  [4]: s.secret_view_key()
Out [4]: '75ec665f4912cec813ff7f20bc75b1f375ee2f8d4bb7631ae8d1af302732a609'

In  [5]: s.public_spend_key()
Out [5]: 'd5db200426637399f0076090dea01394afc2b157f94d287516911dbbcf8b2275'

In  [6]: s.public_view_key()
Out [6]: 'cd235f236224b8a5f1e12568927e01a2879bfd49cec2517b0717adb97fe8ae39'

In  [7]: s.public_address()
Out [7]: '49j9ikUyGfkSkPV8TY66p2RsSs6xL7NR5LauJTt7y6LZLhpakUnjcddUksdDgccVPEUBk2obnM1YUMaXKsGsCnow7WYjktm'

API reference